IPL Aftercare Advice
For 2 to 5 days after treatment, the procedure area can experience the following symptoms:
- Swelling
- Tenderness
- Redness
- Blistering
If you have ever had herpes simples or cold sores previously, then it is important that you use Zovirax for 7 days before and after lip treatments. This will help prevent an outbreak, which will cause discomfort and can result in scarring
DO NOT go out in UV light, use sunbeds or tanning products between treatments
Under no circumstances should you undergo any further IPL work undertaken during this 4-6 week period.
Please advise the salon of any changes to medication as this can affect your treatments
Please only shave hair in the weeks between treatments as waxing and plucking hairs will result in a prolonged treatment plan
If you are planning to undergo an MRI scan, chemical peel or another similar procedure, please inform your doctor that you have had IPL treatments.